Impressum Werbecopmany Meran


Werbecompany Meran SNC

of Werner Schwienbacher & C.

Via Petrarca 7/B
I-39012 Merano
Telephone: +39 0473 063 550
Fax: +39 0473 063 569

Registered in the Bolzano Chamber of Commerce No. BZ 00820980217
VAT-No.: IT 00820980217
SdI-Code: T9K4ZHO

Legal responsibility for publication and content: Werner Schwienbacher, Werbecompany Meran SNC
Editing: Werbecompany Meran SNC
Concept, Design and Programming: Werbecompany Meran SNC  
Copyright: © Werbecompany Meran SNC


1. Content
Although we have carefully checked the content of this website, and the information provided on it, we offer no guarantee, and take no responsibility for its completeness and accuracy. We retain the right to update, amend, and add to the existing information, without prior warning.

2. Cross references und links
We take no responsibility for the content of external links. The sites to which we offer links are exclusively the responsibility of those providing them.

3. Copyright (Originator and Trademark copyright)
The content of this website is protected by copyright. Its reproduction or use in other electronic or printed media is prohibited without our express permission.

4. Legal status
Should parts of this text, or individual formulations within it, not be in accordance with, or fully in accordance with, the current legal requirements, whether now or in the future, the rest of the document remains unaffected in its content and validity. No contract or rights result from the use of this website. Legal disputes will be taken to the court of law which has responsibility for us.

5. Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)

European Commission's official platform for Online Dispute Resolution:

Contributi pubblici ricevuti nel anno 2020

Ai sensi della legge n. 124/2017, si dà qui di seguito conto dei contributi pubblici ricevuti dalla Werbecompany Meran Snc d. Schwienbacher Werner & Co. nell’anno 2020:

Istituzione - Contributo ricevuto - Contributo ricevuto il - Motivo del contributo

Camera di Commercio di Bolzano - 960,00 € - 25.02.2020 - Contributo in materia alternanza scuola/lavoro
Provincia Auton. di Bolzano, Uff. Artigianato - 12.800,00 € - 05.05.2020 - Contributo formazione
Provincia Auton. di Bolzano, Uff. Artigianato - 1.250,00 € - 05.05.2020 - Contributo formazione
Provincia Auton. di Bolzano, Uff. Artigianato - 3.200,00 € - 15.06.2020 - Contributo formazione
Stato Italia - 2.645,00 € - 18.11.2020 - Contributo a fondo perduto
Provincia Auton. di Bolzano, Uff. Artigianato - 4.800,00 € - 01.12.2020 - Contributo formazione
Provincia Auton. di Bolzano - 730,00 € - 18.12.2020 - Costi di garanzia per crediti agevolati
Stato Italia - 600,00 € - 16.12.2020 - Bonus affitto

Rifermiamo anche al Registro Nazionale degli Aiuti di Stato: